Sweet Home Chicago and the St. Louis Blues

I am a Cubs fan.  And, no matter what the Cincinnati Reds might say, I am not a bandwagon fan.  I have been a Cubs fan since the day I was born.  Well, maybe not the day I was born.  I don't know for sure that baseball was on in the hospital room.  I was born in the summer of 1983, a season in which the Cubs finished with a 71-91 record.  It wasn't exactly a banner season for the Cubs.  We were still a year and a day away from the Sandberg Game, so fans didn't even have that to rejoice about that summer.  However, I became a Cubs fan nonetheless.
Since I have been a Cubs fan from practically birth, I can't state the exact moment I started cheering for the Cubs.  Growing up, Cubs baseball was on TV or the radio all of the time.  My summers were filled with the calls of Harry Caray (and later Ron Santo).  While we didn't go to Wrigley Field all that often, I did make it to my fair share of games in my childhood (including Wednesday, August 10, 1994, the last game the Cubs played before the strike).
I grew up in the Chicago suburbs.  I went to college in western Michigan, which means that most of my classmates were either Detroit Tigers fans or Cubs fans.  (I can handle Tiger fans.  After all, I ended up marrying one!)  During the summers, I worked at a summer camp near Fort Wayne, Indiana.  The majority of people there were Cubs fans as well.  So, I always lived in Cubs friendly places.
Until I married my husband.  He decided that he needed to attend graduate school in, of all places, St. Louis.  (I will pause momentarily for the gasps of horror and potential fainting spells.)  With the exception of a year-long internship in New Jersey, we have lived in the St. Louis metro since the summer of 2006.  (Yes, 2006 was a horrible year to move to St. Louis.  For both of us.  Remember, he is a Tiger fan.)
I have now lived in the St. Louis area for quite awhile.  As a Cubs fan, it hasn't always been easy,  There have been some challenging moments.  There have been some trying moments.  And, there have been some really good moments as well.  In this blog, I will attempt to shed some light on the challenges (and joys) of being a Cubs fan in Cardinal Country, dealing with the self-prescribed "greatest fans in baseball," and just commenting on my first love, the Chicago Cubs.  (Sorry dear, it wasn't you.)
I hope you join me for the ride!


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