My Most Frustrating Cubs Fan Moment

I was in college during the magical 2003 season.  While I have experienced much frustration in my Cubs fan journey, what happened in 2003 is my most frustrating moment.  No, I am not talking about Steve Bartman (at least not directly).  No, I am talking about a power outage at Hope College.
The day NLCS tickets went on sale, I was ready.  I was up hours before and in the online waiting room for a long time.  (This is before the ticket lottery system the Cubs currently have.)  Tickets went on sale at 10 am EST. (I believe, although, as it was almost 14 years ago, that part of my memory may be faulty).  Now, I knew that even though I was in the waiting room hours before tickets went on sale, I may still not be able to get any.  However, I was going to try.
At 9:59, the power went out across campus.  My computer shut off, the internet went down, and my heart broke.  Even though the power was only off for a few minutes, by the time I was able to get back on at 10:10, everything was already sold out.  I may have cried a little.  I would not make it t a playoff game until 2015 (but that is a post for a later date).
Oh, and the particular game I was trying to get tickets for?  Game 6.  Maybe I didn't want to be there after all...


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