World Series Trophy Tour

Living in the the St. Louis area, I did not have many other fans to celebrate with on November 2, 2016.  Fortunately, there is another Cubs fan on staff with me, so we were able to rejoice (and try to stay awake even though we were exhausted during a long teaching day) together.  However, I missed out on the joy of being in Chicago.  I missed the parade (although we had a half day of school, so I caught some of it on TV).  I missed running to the store at midnight to pick up my World Champions t-shirt (although I did get it several days later as we drove near Chicago to Wisconsin).  Plus, not being in Cardinals country means that the trophy tour was never going to come to me.
Fortunately, it did come to Springfield, Illinois, one of its later stops and the furthest south it was going to get.  Springfield is about a 2 hour drive for me, so it really wasn't too bad.  So, I took a personal day, drove to Springfield, and waited in line for several hours.  I met some fantastic people in line, including another gentlemen who was also there by himself.  We had some lovely conversation while we waited and waited, hoping we would get the magical wristband that would guarantee our entrance.

Finally, the line started to move.  We got our wristbands and cheered for joy!  (Well, we didn't actually cheer, but people around me were audibly excited.)

Someone walked by the line and said, "Hello."  We really should have been paying more attention.  Unfortunately, I only caught the back of Ryn Sandberg's head.  We later found out that he was taking pictures with people by the trophy, but it only lasted for the people at the beginning of the line.  By the time we got there, he was done (or taking a break).  So, I didn't get a picture with him.  However, once I got inside, I was able to meet and get a picture with Tom Ricketts!
Besides the trophy, the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum (where the trophy was at) had one of the bases from the World Series on display.  They were also taking pictures of people by that.  They are starting a new exhibit on the Cubs/Cardinals rivalry.  (But I will have to post about that after I get a chance to go.)
The whole atmosphere inside was energetic.  They had a W flag flying proudly.  They had a highlight reel from the playoffs projected on the wall, as well as the logo.
While I stood in line for a long time to see the trophy, it was worth the drive and every minute.  I can't think of many better ways to take a personal day from work!


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