A Quick Addition to the Previous Post

First of all, yesterday's game was exciting.  The bottom of the ninth was far too exciting for my taste.  But, I got to see a Cubs victory surrounded by all of the Cubs fans at Busch (which was at least half of the people sitting near me by the end of the game), and listened to the singing of Go Cubs Go by fans and W flags being waved (one of which a security guard made the person move since he was holding it over a rail).
As another note to yesterday's post, though, I also took a photo at game time.  There were still a great deal of empty seats.  Remember, this game was on a Friday night against major division rivals.  The fans still don't show up.  People near us came in the third and left in the fifth.  What is the point of that?  Baseball tickets are expensive.  I just don't understand the very casual "fan."

And, I just found out that there were more than 47,000 people there.  Where were they?  They certainly weren't in the stands watching the game.


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